CLDEMOTE instruction
CMOVcc instruction
CMPXCHG16B instruction
ENQCMD instruction
FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions
LZCNT instruction
MONITOR and MWAIT instructions
MONITORX and MWAITX instructions
MOVBE instruction
MOVDIR64B instruction
MOVDIRI instruction
(With MONITOR+MWAIT) MWAIT maximum size in bytes
(With MONITOR+MWAIT) MWAIT minimum size in bytes
OSXSAVE and XGETBV instructions
PCLMULQDQ instruction
PCONFIG instruction
POPCNT instruction
RDMSR instruction
RDPID instruction
RDRAND instruction
RDSEED instruction
RDTSC instruction
(With RDTSC) Timestamp counter invariant of C/P/T-state
RDTSCP instruction
SERIALIZE instruction
SKINIT instruction
SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions
SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions
XSAVE and XRSTOR instructions
Additional instructions. Often not part of extensions.